Young woman looking upwards with many thoughts going through her mind.

About us

What do consumers really think of you, your brand, your products and your services?

A lot of the time, it's just guesswork. Without doing market research, how do you know who your consumers' are, what products they like, or if your marketing efforts are paying off? Asking the right questions will give you insights into understanding your consumers' more effectively.

Market research is a powerful tool that can make all the difference to a business, allowing you to improve your company and products, create consumer loyalty, and a clear plan for the future to keep your business success moving forward.

Suppose you're a marketer or business owner looking to conduct conventional qualitative studies, as well as various neuroscientific and social studies. In that case, our state-of-the-art research facility will enhance your understanding of consumer behaviour in a market research context.

Our services include:

  • Neuroscientific research studies for consumer and market research
  • Qualitative focus groups
  • Workshop and brainstorming sessions

Enquire now if you're interested in conducting a study at MI.ND Lab or making use of our facilities in Centurion, Pretoria.

View our brochure for more information on our market research, MI.ND Lab studies and facilities.

Decisions fueled by insights

Consumers no longer want to answer the same question repeatedly or not find the information they're looking for on a company website. When a consumer is met with these hurdles, frustration builds, and relationships can break down between companies and their consumers. By having the insights to meet the needs of consumers in a rapidly changing digital world, businesses can:

  • Better understand their consumers' needs
  • Understand who their competitors are
  • Create marketing messages that are appealing to consumers
  • Test for success

The advantages of using neuroscientific research

What drives consumer decisions? Consumers aren't always good at telling organisations why they make the purchasing decisions that they do. We know that a lot of decision making is made at an unconscious level.

When consumers tell you why they bought something or made a particular decision, those feelings and decisions have been filtered consciously. Therefore biometrics and neuro-methodologies have been great for traditional market research. It lets researchers tap into their unconscious reactions without filtering conscious thought and see what they aren't saying – what they may not even realise about their feelings towards your products.

Neuroscience involves measuring brain activity in various ways, using different technologies such as cameras, projections, electrodes, or sensors. In a nutshell, neuroscience makes it possible to tap into the emotional factors of decision-making to "see things from the consumers' perspective" to understand their responses comprehensively.

MI.ND Lab provides the following neuroscientific market research services:

  • Neuroscientific research
  • Eye-tracking
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • Facial coding
  • Galvanic skin response (GSR)
  • Focus groups include in-depth interviews and high net worth table talks. We also make use of live streaming technology, allowing you to watch focus group discussions in real-time.
  • Co-creation sessions
  • UX testing in a controlled environment
  • Experimental design through implicit association testing and/or AB testing

View our brochure for more information on our market research, MI.ND Lab studies and facilities.